Submit a Lab Sample Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Plant Name *UnitSample analysis needed as a result of:FailureCondition AssessmentOther sample analysis type (if not choice above)Type of sample submitted *Material SpecificationIf known, include composition, hardness, tensile strength, and/or heat treatment.Dimensional SpecificationLocation of sampleIf tube, provided tube type, number, element/panel number, etcDesign Conditions - PRESSUREEnter pressure PSIDesign Conditions - TEMPERATUREEnter temperature (F)Operating Conditions - PRESSUREEnter pressure PSIOperating Conditions - TEMPERATUREEnter temperature (F)Other operating informationUpload sample pictures Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files. max 5CommentInclude background information such as OEM, maintenance history, operating issues or problems, etc. Please list any specific testing required.Name *FirstLastEmail *Telephone *NameSubmit